A cup of strawberries a day may help keep dementia away

According to the findings, published in the journalย Nutrients,ย โ€‹a daily serving of strawberries for 12 weeks led to improved executive cognitive control and emotional coping in a small test group. The study attributed benefits to the anti-inflammatory action of the anthocyanins found in strawberries.

“Dementia is a general term that includes many different diseases, all without remedies,” said Robert Krikorian, Ph.D., principal investigator and professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center. “It is not clear when or if effective therapy will be available; prevention and mitigation through dietary and lifestyle choices is currently the best approach we have.”

According to the Alzheimerโ€™s Association, an estimated 6.7 million Americans over the age of 65 are currently living with Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia.

Strawberries for dementia riskโ€‹

The study builds on science supporting the potential of berries of all kinds to protect against cognitive decline, including Dr. Krikorianโ€™s 2022 study demonstrating cognitive and metabolic benefits ofย blueberry supplementation in at-risk middle-aged adultsโ€‹. The body of research recognizes that late-life dementia typically begins in midlife and progresses over the years.ย 

โ€œWe wanted to work with a middle-aged, overweight population as dementia is a condition that is believed to develop over a period of decades,โ€ Dr. Krikorian said. โ€œFurthermore, inflammation is likely a contributing factor related to metabolic disorders such as overweight/obesity, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.โ€ย 

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