Beta-Alanine boosts power in high-intensity training: Study

The authors from Madrid, Spain, recruited 27 subjects to receive eitherย 4 grams a day of beta-alanine powder or placebo over the four-week study period to assess effects on neuromuscular fatigue in individuals engaging in HIFT and subsequent sports performance.ย 

Results showed that beta-alanine supplementation improves measures of vertical jump and power, leading the researchers to conclude that a “four-week beta-alanine intake program demonstrated an improvement in the capacity of subjects.”

Neuromuscular fatigueโ€‹

Beta-alanine, a non-essential amino acid found in the diet and produced through nucleotide catabolism, isย significant for muscle performanceโ€‹ย due to its role in carnosine synthesis.ย 

Carnosine is abundant in skeletal muscle and acts as a buffer, antioxidant andย ATPase activatorโ€‹.ย Fast twitch muscle fibers contain more carnosine than slow twitch fibers, benefitingย athletes in high-intensity sportsโ€‹, and ฮฒ-Alanine supplementation hasย been shownย to boost muscle carnosine levels,ย enhancing performance and delaying fatigueโ€‹.

HIFT combines various exercises to improveย strength, endurance and overall fitnessโ€‹. It primarily relies onย phosphocreatine for ATP resynthesisโ€‹, however, phosphocreatine reserves are typically depleted within 10 to 30 seconds of HIFT, resulting in neuromuscular fatigue.

Study detailsโ€‹

All study participants possessed over 18 months of experience in resistance training and participated in HIFT on the first day to induce fatigue and work close to their VO2 max. After four weeks of supplementation or placebo,ย they repeated the exercise experiment.

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