CBD boosts sleep quality and immune function: Study

A team of U.S. researchers investigated the effects of either 50 mg daily oral CBD or placebo on mental health, immune cellย function and sleep quantity and qualityย in 28 healthy individuals over a study period of eight weeks.

Results showed that daily consumption of hemp-derived CBDย resulted in improvements inย the overall perceived quality ofย sleep and enhanced NK cell cytotoxicity.

โ€œCBD supplementation may offer benefits in enhancing sleep quality in humans and improving immunosurveillance,โ€ย they wrote.

CBD and sleepโ€‹

Cannabis-derived phytocannabinoids interact with theย body’sย endocannabinoid system, which includes two cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2), endogenous ligands and their synthetic enzymes.

These components are present in the nervous and immune systems, among others, and are considered theย mainย targets for CBD and other external cannabinoids. CBDย is believedย to act as an agonist mainly on CB2 receptors.

Previous studiesโ€‹ย have shown that CBD has anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) effects by affecting the limbic and paralimbic brain regions. In addition, CBD interacts with the serotonin 1a receptor, which influences mood, anxiety, depression and immune function.

The immune system is crucial forย mental health and sleep regulationโ€‹, and immune cells, particularly natural killer (NK) cells,ย show high CB2 expressionโ€‹.

Oneย rat studyโ€‹ย found that circulating NK cell numbers were increased following CBD administration, however, these effects on human NK cells remain unverified.

Sleep quality and immune functionโ€‹

The participantsย were randomizedย to receive either oral capsules of 50 mg of CBD or a calorie-matched placebo daily.

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