DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids cut risk for age-related macular degeneration

Specifically, a high intake of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids relative to low intake reduces the risk of developing both overall AMD and advanced AMD, with corresponding odds ratios of 0.67 and 0.60.

โ€œIn future large-scale prospective studies, cross-sectional studies, or randomized controlled trials, more attention should be paid to the association of various intake levels of different FAs with the development and progression of intermediate AMD, to avoid the occurrence of advanced AMD as far as possible,โ€ wrote Qing Zhou, researcher at The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou, China, and colleagues In Frontiers in Nutritionโ€‹.

They added: โ€œAttention should also be paid to the association between AMD and the study population, dietary habits, and health awareness of the participants, and adjustments should be made accordingly, as this will greatly affect the study results.โ€

Fatty acids to take on AMDโ€‹

AMD is the fourth leading cause of blindness worldwide and mainly affects adults over 55 years of age, said the researchers. While there are several effective drugs in the market, patient compliance is often reduced by the need for frequent injections and doctor visits in addition to the potential for adverse effects such as endophthalmitis, retinal detachment, and traumatic lens injury, they added.

Fatty acids such as polyunsaturated fatty acids could tackle AMD as they have anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic properties in addition to benefits in maintaining vision, cognitive function, and glucose and lipid metabolism, they said.

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