Fish oil consumption leads to mixed outcomes for prevention of cardiovascular events

However, the research highlights that the supplements could also be beneficial, slowing the progression of poor cardiovascular health and lowering the risk of death.

These mixed findings were part of a large-scale study in the United Kingdom of 415,737 participants and was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

โ€œโ€‹When we divided major adverse cardiovascular events into three individual diseases (i.e, heart failure, stroke and myocardial infarction), we found associations that could suggest a mildly harmful effect between regular use of fish oil supplements and transitions from a healthy cardiovascular state to stroke,” the researchers wrote. “Our findings are in agreement with the results of several previous randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses.”

Inadequate studiesโ€‹

The current study also relied on previous analysis to bolster the researchersโ€™ claims. Some earlier studies had restricted participants with a specific cardiovascular disease or a high risk of the disease, while others analyzed databases of healthy populations.

โ€œAll of these factors might preclude direct comparison of the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on atrial fibrillation events or on further deterioration of cardiovascular disease,โ€ the researchers wrote. โ€œFew studies have fully characterized specific cardiovascular disease outcomes or accounted for differential effects based on the complex disease characteristics of participants.โ€

They added that no study focused on the progressive nature of cardiovascular diseases, including the path from healthy status to atrial fibrillation and then to major adverse cardiovascular events to death.

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