Tag: biological age

  • Mice study supports omega-3 role in longevity

    Mice study supports omega-3 role in longevity

    Polish and American scientists publishing in the journalย Clinical Nutrition โ€‹reportedย a positive correlation between n-3 FA and telomere length in fat-1 transgenic mice as compared to their wild-type siblings, indicating a slower rate of age-related telomere shortening in the former. โ€œThis study, for the first time in a unique animal model free of dietary confounders, has…

  • Mibelle introduces herbal extract to slow epigenetic aging

    Mibelle introduces herbal extract to slow epigenetic aging

    Derived from scarlet beebalm (Monarda didymaโ€‹), an aromatic herb from the mint family and native to Eastern North America, contains high quantities of bioflavonoids such as didymium and isosakuranetin. Lemon balm (Melissa officinalisโ€‹) is included as a technical process stabilizer. “We tested several plant extracts for activity in various cellular anti-aging markers such as epigenetic…
