Tag: botanical

  • Sabinsa highlights tolerability of beetroot extract in older population

    Sabinsa highlights tolerability of beetroot extract in older population

    Conducted in collaboration with the researchers of the Food and Nutrition Institute of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the study involved the supplementation of the ingredient in a healthy population aged 60 or older (n=12) over 12 weeks. The resulting data revealed a notable increase in plasma nitrate levels and trend of improvement…

  • Phytaphix launches botanical blend to manage MS symptoms

    Phytaphix launches botanical blend to manage MS symptoms

    Conor Kerley, PhD, nutrition researcher and company founder, introduced his polyphenol-packed plant brand in 2020โ€‹ after delving into botanical research as a means to try to manage his symptoms of MS –ย an autoimmune condition impacting nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. The brandโ€™s most recent product Neuro Phix entered the market this month…

  • Mibelle introduces herbal extract to slow epigenetic aging

    Mibelle introduces herbal extract to slow epigenetic aging

    Derived from scarlet beebalm (Monarda didymaโ€‹), an aromatic herb from the mint family and native to Eastern North America, contains high quantities of bioflavonoids such as didymium and isosakuranetin. Lemon balm (Melissa officinalisโ€‹) is included as a technical process stabilizer. “We tested several plant extracts for activity in various cellular anti-aging markers such as epigenetic…

  • Euromed, Monteloeder and Pharmactive to showcase untapped botanical potential at Vitafoods

    Euromed, Monteloeder and Pharmactive to showcase untapped botanical potential at Vitafoods

    The three-day trade show, held from May 14 to 16, will highlight the latest nutraceutical innovations, trends and research to a Europe-wide audience.ย  Euromed will showcase its natural herbal extracts, focusing on CuberUp, a cucumber extract for joint health, backed by a recent study showing positive effects on knee pain and mobility.ย  Monteloeder will present…

  • Adday: targeting the gut-brain axis for cognitive clarity

    Adday: targeting the gut-brain axis for cognitive clarity

    The startup, with offices based in the UK, Lisbon, and Cape Town, started to develop supplements in response to the global epidemic, drawing on the latest scientific evidence regarding the gut-brain axis. Gisรจle Human, digital creative content manager for Adday, explains the companyโ€™s current product range. โ€œWith new scientific research showing evidence of the gut-brain…

  • Adday: targeting the gut-brain axis for cognitive clarity

    Adday: targeting the gut-brain axis for cognitive clarity

    The startup, with offices based in the UK, Lisbon, and Cape Town, started to develop supplements in response to the global epidemic, drawing on the latest scientific evidence regarding the gut-brain axis. Gisรจle Human, digital creative content manager for Addayโ€‹, explains the companyโ€™s current product range. โ€œWith new scientific research showing evidence of the gut-brain…

  • Chris Kilham, Medicine Hunter: Out of the wilderness and into the convention center

    Chris Kilham, Medicine Hunter: Out of the wilderness and into the convention center

    Whether it’s investigating the power of plants in the Peruvian rainforest, exploring Ayurvedic rituals in India, or roaming the curious streets of Las Vegas, Chris Kilham has seen a thing or two in the 45-plus countries he’s conducted research in. Source link
