Tag: Carbohydrates and fibres (sugar

  • Are protein bars and powders damaging to gut health?

    Are protein bars and powders damaging to gut health?

    The high-protein food trend has become hugely popular with consumers, in recent years, leading to the launch of a whole host of high-protein products. From high-protein yoghurts to high-protein shakes, food and beverage manufacturers have fully embraced the high-protein trend. โ€œProtein is a major focus for consumers,โ€ said a spokesperson for market insight provider, Innova…

  • Could a junk food diet cause long-term damage to the brain?

    Could a junk food diet cause long-term damage to the brain?

    So-called junk food is consumed across the world and is particularly prevalent in the Western diet. But in recent years it has increasingly been linked to serious health concerns, including obesity, type two diabetes, heart-related problems such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and certain types of cancer. Now, new research from scientists…

  • Could eating beans aid cancer prevention?

    Could eating beans aid cancer prevention?

    A study by the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center has found that eating foods such as navy beans, which are rich in gut-supporting nutrients, fibre and amino acids, enhances the diversity of the gut microbiome and could help to prevent and treat colorectal cancer. How was the study conducted?โ€‹ Funded by the American…

  • Taste perception of ultra-processed foods no better than less processed

    Taste perception of ultra-processed foods no better than less processed

    The research was conducted by the University of Bristolโ€™s Nutrition and Behaviour Group and has been published in the journal Appetite. It supports the theory that humans are programmed to learn to like foods with more equal amounts of carbohydrate and fat. Researchers wanted to test the largely untested assumptions that food energy density (calories…
