Tag: Confectionery

  • Is caffeine damaging to heart health?

    Is caffeine damaging to heart health?

    A cup of tea or coffee is the starting point of many a morning. In fact, for most, itโ€™s the very foundation of their day, sought out before breakfast, enjoyed during a morning break, relied upon as an afternoon pick-me-up, and then even indulged in as a post-dinner treat with dessert. But while consumers are…

  • M&A activity reveals dominance of sports nutrition

    M&A activity reveals dominance of sports nutrition

    The food and beverage industry has been under immense pressure in recent years as increased costs, resulting from factors including climate change and geopolitical unrest, have taken their toll. Added to that, the cost-of-living crisis has hit consumers hard, tightening budgets and changing buying behavioursโ€‹. However, despite these challenges, activity in the mergers and acquisitions…

  • Is a high-protein diet damaging to brain health?

    Is a high-protein diet damaging to brain health?

    Enter any supermarket across Europe and youโ€™ll find multiple items boasting their high-protein credentials. From high-protein chocolate bars to high-protein yoghurts, the high-protein trend is proving powerful. But, while the benefits of a diet high in protein are well publicised, the potential harms are only just coming to light. FoodNavigator recently reported on the potential…

  • Start-ups: Where to spend and where to save

    Start-ups: Where to spend and where to save

    From commissioning packaging designs to recruiting staff, starting a new food or beverage brand can be costly. So, where should you spend and where should you save? We get the financial lowdown from those who have successfully trodden the start-up path. How much should you invest in a start-up?โ€‹ This is a big question, and…

  • Can food palatability be predicted?

    Can food palatability be predicted?

    While different consumers like different foods, it can nevertheless be said that some foods are, generally speaking, more palatable than others. Chocolate or pizza are liked by the majority of consumers, for example. However, outside of these examples, it can be useful to ascertain whether certain foods are palatable before producing them en-masse. A recent…

  • Gut health watch: Whatโ€™s the latest on gut health in food and beverages?

    Gut health watch: Whatโ€™s the latest on gut health in food and beverages?

    The gut health trend, and by extension the gut health industry, has undergone an astronomic rise, over the past decade. Where once upon a time, the gut was a subject discussed solely by dieticians and doctors, now it is the part of the common vernacular and fuels a billion-dollar industry worldwide. We look at all…

  • How brands are capitalising on gut health

    How brands are capitalising on gut health

    The gut health trend is here to stayโ€‹. And unlike other trends (plant-basedโ€‹ Iโ€™m looking at you) it shows no signs of slowing. So why is the gut health trend so successful and how have manufacturers turned it into the gold mine itโ€™s become? Why has the gut health trend become so popular?โ€‹ By now,…

  • Are protein bars and powders damaging to gut health?

    Are protein bars and powders damaging to gut health?

    The high-protein food trend has become hugely popular with consumers, in recent years, leading to the launch of a whole host of high-protein products. From high-protein yoghurts to high-protein shakes, food and beverage manufacturers have fully embraced the high-protein trend. โ€œProtein is a major focus for consumers,โ€ said a spokesperson for market insight provider, Innova…

  • Could a junk food diet cause long-term damage to the brain?

    Could a junk food diet cause long-term damage to the brain?

    So-called junk food is consumed across the world and is particularly prevalent in the Western diet. But in recent years it has increasingly been linked to serious health concerns, including obesity, type two diabetes, heart-related problems such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and certain types of cancer. Now, new research from scientists…

  • Personalised nutrition: What do consumers really think of this new trend?

    Personalised nutrition: What do consumers really think of this new trend?

    Personalised nutrition has gained a huge amount of attention in recent years and has already proven to be hugely profitable for companies providing it as a service. In fact business intelligence platform, Statista, valued the global personalised nutrition market at an estimated 8.2 billion US dollars in 2020 and expects that figure to double by…
