Tag: Functional food

  • M&A activity reveals dominance of sports nutrition

    M&A activity reveals dominance of sports nutrition

    The food and beverage industry has been under immense pressure in recent years as increased costs, resulting from factors including climate change and geopolitical unrest, have taken their toll. Added to that, the cost-of-living crisis has hit consumers hard, tightening budgets and changing buying behavioursโ€‹. However, despite these challenges, activity in the mergers and acquisitions…

  • DuelFuel sends warning to functional food firms after tax tribunal defeat

    DuelFuel sends warning to functional food firms after tax tribunal defeat

    DuelFuel products include a carbohydrate-based flapjack and a protein-rich cake slice packaged together and designed to be consumed before (flapjack) activity to provide energy and after (cake) activity to provide amino acids for muscle protein synthesis. The slices are made using the same equipment and processes used to manufacture conventional flapjacks and cake slices but…
