Tag: life improvement

  • How 20 Seconds of Courage can Change Your Life | Nerd Fitness

    How 20 Seconds of Courage can Change Your Life | Nerd Fitness

    20 seconds. Today Iโ€™m going to issue you a challenge, and it will only require 20 seconds. It couldย change your life. I know 20 seconds doesnโ€™t seem like a lot of time., but Iโ€™ve come to learn that when it comes to getting healthy, taking risks, and living a life worth living, 20 seconds is…

  • Intermittent Fasting Beginner Guide (Skip Breakfast?) | Nerd Fitness

    Intermittent Fasting Beginner Guide (Skip Breakfast?) | Nerd Fitness

    rtkit form=5899139] โ€œโ€ฆTony the Tiger tells us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Itโ€™s grrrrrreat!โ€ This adage about breakfast has become commonplace that itโ€™s readily and unquestionably accepted as fact. Well then, whatโ€™s with the growing popularity of Intermittent Fasting and SKIPPING breakfast? (Tony just audibly gasped.) In this Ultimate Guide…

  • How to Build Healthy Habits in 2024 (5 Habit Building Hacks) | Nerd Fitness

    How to Build Healthy Habits in 2024 (5 Habit Building Hacks) | Nerd Fitness

    At some point in the past week (or five minutes ago after a Google search), youโ€™ve made a resolution to change your life. Maybe you decided to exercise every day. Perhaps itโ€™s time to start eating better. Or maybe you decided to stop wearing jorts. Well my friend, Iโ€™m excited for you, and I want…
