• 3 Questions: What you need to know about audio deepfakes

    3 Questions: What you need to know about audio deepfakes

    Audio deepfakes have had a recent bout of bad press after an artificial intelligence-generated robocall purporting to be the voice of Joe Biden hit up New Hampshire residents, urging them not to cast ballots. Meanwhile, spear-phishers โ€” phishing campaigns that target a specific person or group, especially using information known to be of interest to…

  • Using AI to discover stiff and tough microstructures

    Using AI to discover stiff and tough microstructures

    Every time you smoothly drive from point A to point B, you’re not just enjoying the convenience of your car, but also the sophisticated engineering that makes it safe and reliable. Beyond its comfort and protective features lies a lesser-known yet crucial aspect: the expertly optimized mechanical performance of microstructured materials. These materials, integral yet…

  • How symmetry can come to the aid of machine learning

    How symmetry can come to the aid of machine learning

    Behrooz Tahmasebi โ€” an MIT PhD student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and an affiliate of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) โ€” was taking a mathematics course on differential equations in late 2021 when a glimmer of inspiration struck. In that class, he learned for the first…

  • New hope for early pancreatic cancer intervention via AI-based risk prediction

    New hope for early pancreatic cancer intervention via AI-based risk prediction

    The first documented case of pancreatic cancer dates back to the 18th century. Since then, researchers have undertaken a protracted and challenging odyssey to understand the elusive and deadly disease. To date, there is no better cancer treatment than early intervention. Unfortunately, the pancreas, nestled deep within the abdomen, is particularly elusive for early detection.ย …

  • Stratospheric safety standards: How aviation could steer regulation of AI in health

    Stratospheric safety standards: How aviation could steer regulation of AI in health

    What is the likelihood of dying in a plane crash? According to a 2022 report released by the International Air Transport Association, the industry fatality risk is 0.11. In other words, on average, a person would need to take a flight every day for 25,214 years to have a 100 percent chance of experiencing a…

  • Multiple AI models help robots execute complex plans more transparently

    Multiple AI models help robots execute complex plans more transparently

    Your daily to-do list is likely pretty straightforward: wash the dishes, buy groceries, and other minutiae. Itโ€™s unlikely you wrote out โ€œpick up the first dirty dish,โ€ or โ€œwash that plate with a sponge,โ€ because each of these miniature steps within the chore feels intuitive. While we can routinely complete each step without much thought,…

  • AI agents help explain other AI systems

    AI agents help explain other AI systems

    Explaining the behavior of trained neural networks remains a compelling puzzle, especially as these models grow in size and sophistication. Like other scientific challenges throughout history, reverse-engineering how artificial intelligence systems work requires a substantial amount of experimentation: making hypotheses, intervening on behavior, and even dissecting large networks to examine individual neurons. To date, most…

  • Image recognition accuracy: An unseen challenge confounding todayโ€™s AI

    Image recognition accuracy: An unseen challenge confounding todayโ€™s AI

    Imagine you are scrolling through the photos on your phone and you come across an image that at first you canโ€™t recognize. It looks like maybe something fuzzy on the couch; could it be a pillow or a coat? After a couple of seconds it clicks โ€” of course! That ball of fluff is your…

  • MIT Generative AI Week fosters dialogue across disciplines

    MIT Generative AI Week fosters dialogue across disciplines

    In late November, faculty, staff, and students from across MIT participated in MIT Generative AI Week. The programming included a flagship full-day symposium as well as four subject-specific symposia, all aimed at fostering a dialogue about the opportunities and potential applications of generative artificial intelligence technologies across a diverse range of disciplines. โ€œThese events are…

  • Synthetic imagery sets new bar in AI training efficiency

    Synthetic imagery sets new bar in AI training efficiency

    Data is the new soil, and in this fertile new ground, MIT researchers are planting more than just pixels. By using synthetic images to train machine learning models, a team of scientists recently surpassed results obtained from traditional โ€œreal-imageโ€ training methods.ย  At the core of the approach is a system called StableRep, which doesn’t just…
