• Machine learning unlocks secrets to advanced alloys

    Machine learning unlocks secrets to advanced alloys

    The concept of short-range order (SRO) โ€” the arrangement of atoms over small distances โ€” in metallic alloys has been underexplored in materials science and engineering. But the past decade has seen renewed interest in quantifying it, since decoding SRO is a crucial step toward developing tailored high-performing alloys, such as stronger or heat-resistant materials.…

  • School of Engineering welcomes new faculty

    School of Engineering welcomes new faculty

    The School of Engineering welcomes 15 new faculty members across six of its academic departments. This new cohort of faculty members, who have either recently started their roles at MIT or will start within the next year, conduct research across a diverse range of disciplines. Many of these new faculty specialize in research that intersects…

  • From steel engineering to ovarian tumor research

    From steel engineering to ovarian tumor research

    Ashutosh Kumar is a classically trained materials engineer. Having grown up with a passion for making things, he has explored steel design and studied stress fractures in alloys. Throughout Kumarโ€™s education, however, he was also drawn to biology and medicine. When he was accepted into an undergraduate metallurgical engineering and materials science program at Indian…

  • Extracting hydrogen from rocks

    Extracting hydrogen from rocks

    Itโ€™s commonly thought that the most abundant element in the universe, hydrogen, exists mainly alongside other elements โ€” with oxygen in water, for example, and with carbon in methane. But naturally occurring underground pockets of pure hydrogen are punching holes in that notion โ€” and generating attention as a potentially unlimited source of carbon-free power.ย One…
