Tag: Nutrition

  • M&A activity reveals dominance of sports nutrition

    M&A activity reveals dominance of sports nutrition

    The food and beverage industry has been under immense pressure in recent years as increased costs, resulting from factors including climate change and geopolitical unrest, have taken their toll. Added to that, the cost-of-living crisis has hit consumers hard, tightening budgets and changing buying behavioursโ€‹. However, despite these challenges, activity in the mergers and acquisitions…

  • Why a UPF tax would be near impossible and ineffective

    Why a UPF tax would be near impossible and ineffective

    A recent survey of UK consumers claimed most Brits want a tax on junk and ultra-processed food manufacturers, believing it would help tackle the obesity crisis. Consumers in the UK have an apparently growing vendetta against UPFโ€‹, with near two-thirds (62%) of them telling a Health Foundation survey unhealthy food advertisementsโ€‹ should be banned from…

  • A call to action: Fostering precision health for astronauts

    A call to action: Fostering precision health for astronauts

    Writing in Natureโ€‹, the researchers also suggest that the Human Cell Atlas project, which maps all cell types in the body, could be replicated in space to provide an open, global resource for science research. ย ย  โ€œThere is a motive for scientists across the world to study how the human body responds to spaceflight and…

  • Gut health watch: Whatโ€™s the latest on gut health in food and beverages?

    Gut health watch: Whatโ€™s the latest on gut health in food and beverages?

    The gut health trend, and by extension the gut health industry, has undergone an astronomic rise, over the past decade. Where once upon a time, the gut was a subject discussed solely by dieticians and doctors, now it is the part of the common vernacular and fuels a billion-dollar industry worldwide. We look at all…

  • How brands are capitalising on gut health

    How brands are capitalising on gut health

    The gut health trend is here to stayโ€‹. And unlike other trends (plant-basedโ€‹ Iโ€™m looking at you) it shows no signs of slowing. So why is the gut health trend so successful and how have manufacturers turned it into the gold mine itโ€™s become? Why has the gut health trend become so popular?โ€‹ By now,…

  • Innovating in immunity: Meet the 2024 NutraIngredients Award finalists for immune support

    Innovating in immunity: Meet the 2024 NutraIngredients Award finalists for immune support

    The finalists for the 2024 NutraIngredients Award for product of the year in the immune support category reflect this trend, showcasing a diverse range of mechanisms for bolstering the bodyโ€™s natural defences. Entries were evaluated by our judges based on criteria including the strength of scientific-backing, the potential or existing evidence of commercial success, and…

  • Aligning consumer intentions with behaviors to achieve health goals

    Aligning consumer intentions with behaviors to achieve health goals

    This was the key message of a talk delivered atย the International Food and Beverage Event (IFE) in London last weekย by the commercial insights specialists at the Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD). Consumer intentionsโ€‹ In a consumer survey conducted by IGD in October 2022, 85% of shoppers responded that they wanted to eat healthier, whether by…

  • Flavonols may reduce the risk of cardiovascular conditions: Study

    Flavonols may reduce the risk of cardiovascular conditions: Study

    Chinese researchers studied follow-up data from 11,679 U.S. adults drawn from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and determined, after adjusting for several factors, that flavonoid intake had a greater significant protective effect on all-cause mortality reduction for individuals over the age of 40. Regarding cardiovascular disease (CVD), their analysis indicated that quercetin and…

  • Live microbes may limit frailty in older adults

    Live microbes may limit frailty in older adults

    โ€œFrail individuals exhibited increased pro-inflammatory microbes and decreased anti-inflammatory microbes,โ€ the researchers from Sichuan University in Chinaย wrote. โ€œIn our study, not only high live microbe diets but also medium live microbe diets, are associated with a reduced risk of frailty.โ€ The study used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), a recurring…

  • Cranberry intakes may regulate lipid and glucose profiles: Review

    Cranberry intakes may regulate lipid and glucose profiles: Review

    The findings, published in the journal Nutrientsโ€‹, also associated intakes with a significant decrease in markers of insulin resistance, while dried forms of cranberry within supplements were found to notably decrease fasting insulin levels. No associations were reported with TC, HDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C, triglyceride (TG), fasting blood glucose (FBG), glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) and…
