Tag: sex drive

  • Sex drive during pregnancy: How libido changes when you’re expecting

    Sex drive during pregnancy: How libido changes when you’re expecting

    Pregnancy can have varying effects on a woman’s sex drive. Let us tell you all about the changes in sex drive during pregnancy. Pregnancy can bring a whirlwind of changes to your body. From your taste buds to your size, mood swings to hair and skin health โ€“ almost every aspect of your life undergoes…

  • Do antidepressants affect sex drive?

    Do antidepressants affect sex drive?

    Various factors, including medications to treat depression, can affect a woman’s sex drive. Let us find out how antidepressants can affect sex drive. Depression can make a person lose interest in things or activities that they once liked doing. This list may also include sex. While medications can help people fight depression, one of the…

  • Can omega-3 boost your libido and improve sex life?

    Can omega-3 boost your libido and improve sex life?

    Stress or hormones can affect your sex drive. Want to boost your libido? Go for omega-3 to increase your sex drive. Hormones, anxiety, relationship issues, stress, and age are some of the factors that can affect libido or sex drive. Addressing changes in sex drive involves identifying and addressing the underlying cause. You may require…

  • Low libido: Are supplements good for sex drive?

    Low libido: Are supplements good for sex drive?

    Low libido or reduced sexual desire is a common concern affecting women across age groups. Stress, relationship problems, certain medications, hormonal imbalances, particularly during menopause, and underlying health conditions can all contribute to low libido. This can have an adverse impact on a coupleโ€™s sex life. While relationship experts may urge you to work on…
