The rise of self-diagnostics: ‘The future of nutrition is hyper-personalized’

Márcia Costa, research manager for healthcare at industry insight firm Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, highlighted a rise in self-diagnostics reflecting a shift towards more proactive approaches to health.

“I see a huge appetite for people to track and monitor their data and their own progress,” she said. “We have become so much more data-driven when discussing nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness.

“The wellness market is really rising and being spurred on by consumer autonomy, as they can now decide when, where and with whom they want to access healthcare.”

The observation was echoed by Grace Noboa Hidalgo, director of product innovation at Walgreens Boots Alliance, who stressed consumers are looking to more advanced nutrition solutions to fill the gaps in primary healthcare, no longer relying on medications for conditions like diabetes and obesity as they adopt a multi-pronged, holistic approach. 

“I think the future of nutrition is hyper-personalized,” she noted. “Consumers today are demanding personalization in every aspect of their lives and probably even more so in nutrition.” 

Noboa Hidalgo believes that personalization gives consumers a feeling of autonomy over their own health, which in itself is empowering. 

“We’re going to see exponential growth of personalization and use of AI that can be trained by registered dietitians—so not just giving out standardized information to the consumer but offering them services to support their journey,” she said. 

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