UK competition authority to investigate infant formula market

The news comes after the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) found evidence that branded formula suppliers had increased their prices by more than their input costs, essentially increasing profit margins at consumersโ€™ expense.

UK formula prices have risen by 25% over the past two years, but the CMA found that shoppers rarely if ever switched to a lower-priced product, particularly when compared to other inflation-hit grocery items.

According to CMAโ€™s report Price inflation and competition in food and grocery manufacturing and supply, there is โ€˜very weak own-label presenceโ€™ in the market, with discount supermarket chain Aldi the only retailer to produce its own brand of formula. Product prices are also stable across UK retail โ€“ CMA found that branded products did not vary across the major supermarket chains and Boots, the UKโ€™s largest pharmacy chain, in November 2023, though Iceland offered such products cheaper than the majors and Aldiโ€™s own-brand product was the cheapest per 100g on the market.

The findings raise questions over suppliersโ€™ incentives to offer formula at competitive rates and whether consumers have the right information when they need it to make effective buying choices. At the same time, the regulator stressed that all formula products regardless of their pricing provide the essential nutrients required for infant health and development.

โ€œUnlike other products examined, there is little evidence of parents switching to cheaper branded options as prices have risen and very limited availability of own-brand alternatives,โ€ the CMA stated.

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