Whey protein with BCAAs and vit D most effective in supporting muscle mass

The research, published in the journal Nutrients, ​was a multicenter trial involving four bariatric centers in Italy, namely, Salerno, Siena, Turin and Vigevano. 

This trial indicated that combine supplementation, which contained whey protein (40 g), vitamin D (2,000 UI), L-leucine (40 mg), L-isoleucine (20 mg) and L-valine (20 mg), was more effective than protein supplementation (40 g whey protein) alone in mitigating the decrease in FFM and MS without interfering with the clinical status of patients after one month of the surgery.

Sleeve gastrectomy and dietary recommendations

Bariatric and metabolic surgeries (BMS) including SG are surgical procedures to treat individuals with severe to moderate obesity. These treatments provide long-term benefits, particularly in alleviating comorbidities in obese individuals worldwide.

Effective weight management entails a reduction in fat mass (FM) and preservation of metabolically active FFM. Typically, patients experience a substantial loss in both FM and FFM within the first month of SG. 

A significant reduction in FFM is associated with multiple adverse conditions including susceptibility to weight regain, elevated risks of sarcopenia and weakened muscles. Therefore, it is imperative to formulate dietary recommendations for effective weight management that helps maintain adequate FFM and MS after BMS.

The majority of the existing dietary recommendations solely concentrate on protein intake. The average protein intake post-BMS should range between 90 g and 120 g or 1.1 g/kg of ideal body weight to lessen the undesired FFM loss. A daily intake of 400 IU of vitamin D has been also been recommended to improve skeletal muscle force by an average of 17%.

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