Clark Bartram, Fitness Expert, Creator, Maximized Man Elite

Clark Bartram

Renowned as โ€œAmericaโ€™s Most Trusted Fitness Professional,โ€ Clark Bartram is a devoted advocate for empowering individuals to achieve their best selves in physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. His journey began as a U.S. Marine, instilling in him the ethos of always being prepared.

Over a career spanning more than three decades, Bartram has been featured on the covers of more than 130 fitness publications, earning him the reputation as a fitness icon. His influence extends globally through successful television shows, appearances on Home Shopping Network and QVC, various movie roles and bestselling books.

Specializing in working with men over 50, Bartram guides them in boosting testosterone naturally, shedding weight, and enhancing confidence through his CBX mindset coaching system, Maximized Man Elite.

He has hosted several fitness television shows on ESPN, Fit TV, and internationally on Sky Cable in the U.K. Recently, facing a diagnosis of prostate cancer, Bartram has embraced the role of being the face of this disease. Through his nonprofit organization, โ€œCheck It Like a Man,โ€ he advocates for men worldwide to monitor their PSA levels. He is currently working on a documentary detailing his personal journey, viewing it as an opportunity to engage with men who might not otherwise pay attention.

Question: What are the โ€œ5 Lifestyle Principalsโ€ that you espouse?

Answer: Mindset, Meals, Movement, Community and Integrity form the cornerstone of The Maximized Man Elite Coaching System, a program Iโ€™ve developed to empower men in achieving holistic wellness. These five lifestyle principles serve as fundamental pillars, each offering unique capabilities to help individuals assess and address areas of concern and strive for optimal health and fulfillment.

In my extensive experience working with clients, I have come to firmly believe that mindset stands as the linchpin of any successful lifestyle transformation, particularly in contexts such as weight loss or overall wellness endeavors. In todayโ€™s fast-paced world, inundated with a plethora of information, diets, and exercise regimens readily available with a simple online search, itโ€™s easy for individuals to become overwhelmed and lose sight of their goals. However, cultivating a steadfast mindset grounded in resilience, determination and self-awareness is what truly sustains commitment to the process of change, enabling individuals to overcome obstacles and stay focused on their journey toward a healthier lifestyle.

My experience has also proven to me that men over 50 have put themselves on the proverbial โ€œback burnerโ€ of life only to find themselves with everything theyโ€™ve worked so hard to achieve but the remembrance of what once was lingers in the distant past. My job as a coach is to enlighten his mindset (thereโ€™s that word again) and help him believe in himself then provide the information necessary to fit his lifestyle, not the other way around.

These lifestyle principles have already helped thousands of men worldwide who have tried, in their words โ€œeverythingโ€ to get in shape. Once a man, or anyone for that matter, sets their mind and doesnโ€™t rely on motivation or discipline, the process becomes more manageable because expectations are set, and commitment is put into place.

Commitment is a part of the mindset piece and if one stays committed long enough, results are inevitable and can happen for anyone whoโ€™s willing to believe itโ€™s possible. Additionally, once the mind is set the meals and movement are no longer a struggle and it becomes a joy to engage in a process that was once daunting.

Community is right up there with mindset as well because, as humans, we were meant to operate in small groups where we are โ€œcommitted to what we confess.โ€

A strong community of like-minded people is much more than just another social platform, itโ€™s a must have because typically humans, when confronted with challenges, tend to retreat and hide, but having people that know you, love you and want the best for you is vital to sustain success in a fitness program.

Question: Where do nutritional supplements fit in? What should natural product retailers keep in mind when discussing them with men?

Answer: Originally, nutritional supplements constituted my fifth principle. However, through careful consideration and refinement, Iโ€™ve integrated them into the Meals principle. This adjustment reflects the reality that many individuals use supplements to compensate for nutritional deficiencies caused by busy schedules, meal skipping and reliance on processed foods lacking in essential nutrients.

When engaging with nutritional retailers, men should be prompted to consider their current health habits, recent blood work, and nutritional needs to tailor their supplement regimen, accordingly, ensuring they are complementing their dietary intake effectively and optimizing their overall health and well-being.

Question: You have recently made prostate cancer awareness your mission. What do you want to emphasize?

Answer: My recent diagnosis of prostate cancer has served as a catalyst for advocating for proactive health measures among men. I emphasize the importance of regular blood testing as a means of early intervention, potentially leading to a cure or effective management of such conditions. Additionally, I encourage men to explore natural remedies, such as modified ctrus pectin found in products like PectaSol, as complementary approaches to conventional treatments. By prioritizing regular testing of PSA levels and adopting proactive health measures, men can significantly reduce their risk of serious health issues and take control of their health journey, ultimately enhancing their overall quality of life. Prevention is not just preferable but within reach, and taking proactive steps can make a significant difference in oneโ€™s health and longevity.

Iโ€™m advocating for menโ€™s health on a much higher level now after my diagnosis, Iโ€™m the last guy I would have ever expected to hear the words โ€œWe found cancer.โ€ I never want that for you, so please be proactive and start your health journey or elevate it today.

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