Consumer demand and health supporting potential of omega-3 testing held back by education and policy

“Interest in personalised nutrition is high, itโ€™s really moving from being a niche opportunity,” said Joshua Anthony, CEO at personalised nutrition consulting company Nlumn, speaking during a panel on personalised nutrition at the biannual meeting held in Athens, Greece from Jan 22 to 25.

Presenting the room of omega-3 experts with 2023 data from more than 5,000 U.S. consumers, Anthony revealed that 57% of those surveyed were interested in personalised nutrition, and many of those would like personalised supplements.

Nearly half of those interested in personalised supplements had recently used a personalised nutrition plan, but the majority reported participating in these programmes for six months or less, citing cost as the main reason for ending participation.

However, when it came to supplementation, the majority had participated for seven months or more, which Anthony argued was likely due to the fact that a supplement regimen is much easier to follow than a lifestyle and diet regimen.

GOED-sponsored researchโ€‹

In further research sponsored by GOED, Nlumn conducted surveys across the UK, U.S, Germany, Australia and South Korea where 64% to 76% of those populations expressed that they were definitely or probably interested in testing their omega-3 levels.

Looking at data on how consumers would prefer to be tested, Anthony said that he was surprised to see that at-home finger prick testing was high on the list in every country, preferred over digital dietary intake surveys.

He noted some companies use a range of tests, offering deeper levels of testing with more premium memberships, which can create an effective engagement cycle.

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