Cranberry outperforms D-mannose in urinary tract health trial

The study, co-authored by cranberry expert Dr. Amy Howell,ย โ€‹used a combination of in vitroย โ€‹bioassays and ex vivoย โ€‹urine analyses to compare the anti-adhesion activity of the two supplements in the same group of 20 participants.

โ€œFollowing daily intake for a week, the cranberry fruit juice dry extract product with 36 mg PAC (proanthocyanidin) provided significantly greater urinary bacterial anti-adhesion activity over each 24-hour period than the D-mannose product against both P-type and Type 1ย E. coliโ€‹ย strains that cause UTIs,โ€ Dr. Howell told NutraIngredients-USA.ย 

The researchers used a 206 mg Gikacran (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.)โ€‹ย cranberry juice concentrate extract manufactured as Ellura by Solv Wellness (serving size one capsule) and a 500 mg D-mannose capsule from NOW Foods (serving size three capsules), both purchased online.

Prophylactic power: Cranberry vs. D-mannoseโ€‹

According toย a large-scale meta-analysisโ€‹ย published inย The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviewsโ€‹ย in 2023, consumption of highly-standardized cranberry juice extract products can prevent and reduce the risk of recurrent UTIs in women, children and other at-risk individuals.

Dr. Howell highlighted that not all cranberry supplements are created equal when it comes to maintaining urinary tract health, with research to date supporting cranberry juice-based supplements standardized to 36 mg of PAC content as most effective. ย ย 

โ€œMany lower cost supplements contain the pomace fiber material left over after the juice is removed and are not as effective at preventing bacterial adhesion,โ€ she explained. โ€œThe whole berry supplements have some juice, but higher intake would be needed compared to a pure juice-based product.โ€

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