Does fear of missing out or FOMO stress you out? 6 ways to deal with it

Have you ever found yourself unable to say no to a request, leading to an overwhelming fear of missing out (FOMO)? Well, many people grapple with the challenge of saying โ€œnoโ€, fearing the repercussions of potential missed opportunities. It is basically anxiety stemming from the belief that others are experiencing enjoyable activities while you are not. If you can relate to this, you should definitely know how to deal with FOMO.

Health Shots reached out to psychologist Dr Yuvraj Pant, who explains that fear of missing out is a type of fear in which a person always remains worried about losing his or her favorite thing, be it a job, friendship, or relationship.

How to deal with FOMO?

These 6 tips can help you break free from the clutches of FOMO:

1. Limit the use of social media

Social media platforms can be a breeding ground for FOMO. Endless streams of highlight reels from othersโ€™ lives can create a distorted sense of reality. Due to this, you may have this thought in your mind that the lives of others are better than yours and they have all the comforts and facilities. To combat this, consider taking a break from social media. Set specific times during the day to check your accounts and gradually reduce the overall time spent online. This break will not only alleviate the constant comparison but also provide room for more meaningful offline experiences.

Life in social media is not a complete reality of anyone. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

2. Stay connected with friends

FOMO often stems from a fear of being left out or disconnected from social circles. To deal with it, make an effort to stay connected with your friends in real life. Dr Pant says, โ€œWhen we meet other people, we really get to know about their lifeโ€™s accomplishments as well as their difficulties. This helps reduce the feeling of missing out and build a sense of belonging.โ€ Plan gatherings, catch up over a call, or engage in shared activities to strengthen your offline connection.

Also read: Hereโ€™s why itโ€™s time to embrace JOMO (Joy of Missing Out)

3. Work on your self-confidence

FOMO can be fueled by a lack of self-confidence and a constant need for external validation. Work on building your self-esteem by acknowledging your strengths and accomplishments. Set realistic goals and celebrate your successes, no matter how small. As your confidence grows, youโ€™ll be less likely to feel inadequate in comparison to others, mitigating the effects of FOMO.

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4. Set realistic expectations

Often, FOMO arises from unrealistic expectations set by societal norms or social media standards. Understand that what is shown online may not reflect the full reality of othersโ€™ lives. Realise that life has its ups and downs. Dr Pant says, โ€œBy setting realistic expectations for yourself and others, youโ€™ll create a more balanced perspective, reducing the impact of FOMO.โ€

Set realistic goals to keep yourself motivated. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Enjoy life

Focusing on the present moment and finding joy in your daily experiences is a powerful antidote to FOMO. With this, you will be able to enjoy life to the fullest, which can prove to be better for your self-growth. Dr Pant says, โ€œThis can reduce the constant comparison with others and shift your attention away from othersโ€™ lives to yours, reducing the grip of FOMO.โ€

Also read: Be more grateful each day: 6 reasons why gratitude can change your life

6. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is a potent tool in combating FOMO. Regularly reflect on the positive aspects of your life and express gratitude for them. Keep a gratitude journal to record the things you are thankful for each day. Shifting your focus to what you have rather than what you lack fosters contentment and diminishes the feeling of missing out on something others may have. Practicing gratitude empowers you to appreciate the richness of your own journey.

With these tips, you will be able to reduce the feeling of missing out!

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