Flavonols may reduce the risk of cardiovascular conditions: Study

Chinese researchers studied follow-up data from 11,679 U.S. adults drawn from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and determined, after adjusting for several factors, that flavonoid intake had a greater significant protective effect on all-cause mortality reduction for individuals over the age of 40.

Regarding cardiovascular disease (CVD), their analysis indicated that quercetin and other related flavonols have a protective effect. By preventing one or more processes linked to the development of disease such as oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and inflammation, flavonols guard against atherosclerosis, the researchers wrote.

โ€œBy reducing endothelial dysfunction, hypertension and atherosclerosis, [flavonols] can protect coronary arteries,โ€ they added. โ€œOur findings have practical significance for public health, because [flavonols]ย can be supplemented by making daily dietary modifications and eating habits better.โ€

Preventing onset and progression of CVDโ€‹

Flavonols, the primary representative of the six subclasses of bioactive polyphenolic compounds called flavonoids, can impact a range of cardiovascular conditions. During the acute phase of a stroke, they can reduce excitatory toxicity, regulate oxidative stress, stop platelet aggregation and thrombosis, and enhance cerebral blood flow. At more advanced stages, they “can protect the integrity of endothelial cells and reduce inflammatory responses,” the researchers wrote, adding that they may obstruct ischemia-induced cell death pathways such as necrosis and apoptosis.

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