February 12

New research sheds light onto U.S. and European supplement regulation



Three decades after the landmark Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) was passed, “some of the states within the U.S. have rules that are different than federal guidelines, and this creates market confusion and legal risks for FBOs (Food Business Operators),” the researchers wrote.      

When it comes to the EU, legislative overlap between state and central legislators creates harmony (in legislation applying to all member states) regarding substances that can legally be permitted in foods.

“However, where no harmonization exists (e.g., almost all botanicals) then each state has a role in defining what substance can be placed on the market,” the researchers added.

EU member states versus U.S. states

In contrast to the U.S., there was no sector specific legislation governing the labeling and sale of food supplements across Europe prior to 2002. Instead, there were laws that could be applied to such products for the purposes of labeling and composition. As a result, member states took different approaches to regulating these products, the researchers explained.

When the Food Supplement Directive (FSD) was adopted, it created a minimum level of regulatory oversight across the EU for this category. It left many areas of interpretation including national rules on maximum and minimum levels of vitamins and minerals and permitted use of other substances.

“It was the competency of member states to decide on their legality,” the researchers noted.

The result is difference in food law specific to each country across the EU that can create barriers, said Mark Tallon, managing partner at Legal Products Group and an author on the paper.


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Food safety, Legislation & Enforcement, Regulation, Regulations, Research

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