Nutraceutical blend โ€˜Gludiaโ€™ offers valid and safe metabolic syndrome management

The observational, prospective study compared the effects of daily supplementation with a standard care plan in participants with MetS, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) or impaired glucose tolerance consuming anti-diabetic medication metformin.

โ€œOur study demonstrates the efficacy of our supplement on anthropometric, glucose and lipid parameters,” the Italian researchers wrote in the journalย Nutrientsโ€‹. โ€œPutting these components together could be an effective and safe therapeutic approach in the management of MetS.โ€

The Gludia-branded blood sugar management supplement used in the study is manufactured by Milan-based pharmaceutical company Eidon Salus.

Combination benefitsโ€‹ย โ€‹

MetSโ€‹ย is a health condition associated with cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes, often caused by a high-calorie, simple sugar and saturated fat-based diet and sedentary lifestyle.

Obesity, a key factor in MetS, has become aย global health challengeโ€‹, and while management solutions and treatments such as lifestyle changes can help, poor compliance often leads toย unsatisfactory resultsโ€‹, making it necessary to identify new compounds and more effective treatments.

Research showsโ€‹ย that nutraceuticals like turmeric, chlorogenic acid (DCI), cinnamon, glucomannan and inulin can offer benefits in combination with traditional treatments: Glucomannan, a dietary fiber, has shownย positive effectsโ€‹ย on cholesterol, triglycerides, glycemia, blood pressure and anti-diabetic and anti-obesity activities; DCIย exhibits insulin-like propertiesโ€‹ย and is used in treating conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and type 2 diabetes;ย C. zeylanicumโ€‹ blumeโ€‹ย has been associated with anti-diabetic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects; and inulin, a water-soluble dietary fiber,ย has been linkedโ€‹ย with reduce serum lipids and ย weight management.

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