Tag: Formula milk

  • Codex sets global standards for child formula: Industry body calls for EU adoption

    Codex sets global standards for child formula: Industry body calls for EU adoption

    The global body for food standards, guidelines and codes of practice, Codex Alimentarius, has published an updated standard on follow-up formula (breastmilk substitutes) for older infants aged 6-12 months, and ‘products’ (liquid of powdered drinks) for young children aged one and threeโ€‹. The new standards,ย formally adopted byย the Codex Alimentarius Commissionโ€‹ย in December 2023 after more than…

  • UK supermarkets match Danoneโ€™s Aptamil baby formula price cuts

    UK supermarkets match Danoneโ€™s Aptamil baby formula price cuts

    The investigation, conducted by UK watchdog The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in Nov. 2023 revealed that manufacturersย raised prices by 25% over a two-year period, putting significant strain on parents seeking infant formula for their babies. “During this difficult period, we have worked very hard to absorb the significant cost increases we have faced, make…

  • UK competition authority to investigate infant formula market

    UK competition authority to investigate infant formula market

    The news comes after the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) found evidence that branded formula suppliers had increased their prices by more than their input costs, essentially increasing profit margins at consumersโ€™ expense. UK formula prices have risen by 25% over the past two years, but the CMA found that shoppers rarely if ever switched…
