Tag: how to

  • The Skinny Guy’s Guide to Bulking Up (Fast) | Nerd Fitness

    The Skinny Guy’s Guide to Bulking Up (Fast) | Nerd Fitness

    Want to go from a skinny guy to building muscle quickly? I got you. Iโ€™ve spent my entire life trying to pack on muscle, and after years and years of trial and error, I finally cracked the code. Today, I share that code with you! Up, up, down down, left, rightโ€ฆ Wait, wrong code.ย  This…

  • Get Your First Pull-Up (in 30 Days) | Nerd Fitness

    Get Your First Pull-Up (in 30 Days) | Nerd Fitness

    Pull-ups are my favorite exercise of all time. But what ifย you canโ€™tย do a pull-up yet? The answer:ย read this ultimate guide on getting your first pullโ€“up ASAP! We have helped hundreds of Online Coaching Clientsย get their first pull-up, and weโ€™ll cover our exact strategies below!ย  We help people get their first pull-up, and we’re really good…

  • How To Build Your Own Workout Routine (Plans & Exercises)

    How To Build Your Own Workout Routine (Plans & Exercises)

    I get multiple emails and messages per day asking: โ€œSteve, what should I do for a workout?โ€ Well, partner, today is your lucky day. Iโ€™m gonna help build you a custom workout program, step-by-step!ย  After all, a workout should be developed around a personโ€™s training age, goals, injury history, free time, and available equipment, not…

  • How to Build Muscle Fast: The Ultimate Guide + Workouts | Nerd Fitness

    How to Build Muscle Fast: The Ultimate Guide + Workouts | Nerd Fitness

    Want to build muscle like this guy? (Leopard print unitard optional but encouraged) In this guide, weโ€™ll provide step-by-step instructions that will help you start building muscle immediately! Like, today! Weโ€™ll explore: That may seem like a lot of topics to cover. DONโ€™T PANIC! Because gaining muscle and strength really comes down to three things.…

  • How to Simply Walk to Mordor (Calorie Calculator) | Nerd Fitness

    How to Simply Walk to Mordor (Calorie Calculator) | Nerd Fitness

    Thereโ€™s two things every nerd should know: How many calories do I burn walking a mile? How far is it to Mordor? Today, weโ€™re answering both of them (and much more).ย  Walking is a great form of exercise and something we often recommend to folks starting our coaching program. Some have had great success walking,…

  • How to Build Healthy Habits in 2024 (5 Habit Building Hacks) | Nerd Fitness

    How to Build Healthy Habits in 2024 (5 Habit Building Hacks) | Nerd Fitness

    At some point in the past week (or five minutes ago after a Google search), youโ€™ve made a resolution to change your life. Maybe you decided to exercise every day. Perhaps itโ€™s time to start eating better. Or maybe you decided to stop wearing jorts. Well my friend, Iโ€™m excited for you, and I want…

  • Dating anxiety ruining your relationship? Tips to overcome it

    Dating anxiety ruining your relationship? Tips to overcome it

    Have you ever felt anxious on a first date? While being in love and dating the very same person is an unparalleled feeling, sometimes things donโ€™t go as planned. The idea of losing that person or not being able to meet your partnerโ€™s expectations can take over, which can lead to dating anxiety. If you…

  • 13 tips to overcome loneliness in your marriage and make your bond stronger

    13 tips to overcome loneliness in your marriage and make your bond stronger

    Marriage is a journey filled with its share of joys and challenges. However, it can sometimes take unexpected turns, leading to feelings of loneliness. No matter how hard you try, your relationship can hit a rough patch and despite the happy parts of togetherness, there can be times or phases you can end up feeling…

  • 5 ways to improve self-discipline and reach your goals in life

    5 ways to improve self-discipline and reach your goals in life

    As the adage goes, โ€˜Success is 1 percent planning and 99 percent executionโ€™. Remember that you do not get a different life by chance. The life you dream of, the career you want, the health you desire, and the peace you crave, all are a sheer output of being disciplined with yourself and your life.…

  • How to Do an Inverted Row (Bodyweight Rows): Ultimate Guide

    How to Do an Inverted Row (Bodyweight Rows): Ultimate Guide

    The Inverted Bodyweight Row is one of the BEST, simple, most effective exercises you can do for your โ€œpullโ€ muscles. If youโ€™re trying to get to your first pull-up (or even if you are already doing pull-ups), itโ€™s a must.ย  Thatโ€™s why we program them in when designing workouts for our Online Coaching Clients. Today,…
