Tag: sukoon health

  • The complex landscape of mood disorders and schizophrenia

    The complex landscape of mood disorders and schizophrenia

    Differentiating between mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other mood disorders can be complex. Here is a guide to help. As society grapples with the nuances of mental health, it has become increasingly imperative to unravel the reasons for these conditions. Understanding mental health conditions is essential for effective diagnosis and treatment.…

  • SLEEP – Cracking the Nut!

    SLEEP – Cracking the Nut!

    Check out some frequently asked questions about sleep and how snoring, dreams and food impact our sleep quality. Published: 5 Mar 2024, 21:57 pm IST Sleep is enigmatic and yetrefreshing, rejuvenating and probably the most profound hallmark of well-being. As long as we achieve a reasonable quality and quantity and, on most days, we really…

  • Depression: 8 signs for Early Detection and Treatment

    Depression: 8 signs for Early Detection and Treatment

    Depression signs must be identified at an early stage for timely treatment. An expert shares how to identify depression. While Depression is fast emerging as a leading health issue, a major hurdle in its treatment is lack of detection. The WHO notes that although there are known, effective treatments for mental disorders, more than 75…

  • Navigating the Emotional Landscape: Distinguishing Between Sadness and Clinical Depression

    Navigating the Emotional Landscape: Distinguishing Between Sadness and Clinical Depression

    Sadness and clinical depression are two different conditions related to mental health, and both deserve attention. The vast landscape of human emotions spans several emotional states that range between sadness and clinical depression. And while everyone experiences sadness at some point in their lives, the spectrum of clinical depression is now becoming increasingly common. A…

  • Teenage Suicides: Identifying Depression Can Lead to Prevention

    Teenage Suicides: Identifying Depression Can Lead to Prevention

    There is a need to curb teenage suicides. The right approach is awareness about identifying early signs of depression in youngsters. Like most mental health issues, suicide attempts are often rooted in depression. While this is true across age groups, the reality gets starker for children and teenagers. According to a study published in Science…

  • Treating Addiction: Why a one-size-fits-all approach is inadvisable

    Treating Addiction: Why a one-size-fits-all approach is inadvisable

    Over the years, the word โ€˜addictionโ€™ has come to be primarily associated with drug or substance abuse. At its core, addiction is compulsive behaviour engaged to reward oneself financially, physically, emotionally or mentally. It is a neuropsychiatric disorder that induces a recurring desire to consume substances or engage in practices leading to harmful consequences. Hence,…
