Turkey opens its market to Ahiflower oil as evidence builds

The Turkish Ministry of Agriculture has just added the ingredient,ย produced by global suppliersย Natures Crops International (NCI),ย to itsย federal positive plants list, clearing the path for its use in supplements and functional foods in the country.

“Being able toย introduce a deeply researched and science-based, plant derived alternative to fish oil into this importantย market is very exciting,”ย saidย Andrew Hebard, founder and CEO at NCI.ย “The global supply of fish oil has become of increasing concerning to brands andย their customers. We believe Ahiflower can be part of the solution to sustainable supplies and pricing.โ€

Meanwhile, a new randomized crossover trial, published in Frontiers in Nutrition,โ€‹ย has studied the effects of theย oil on circulating omega-3 levels by measuring omega-3 oxylipin changes in humans and in cultured hepatic cells to discover its unique mechanism of action.

Ahiflower oilโ€‹

Oil from Ahiflower (Buglossoides arvensisโ€‹) reportedly offers the highest levels of non-GM omega-3 essential fatty acids among commercially available dietary plant oils, combining alpha Lipoic acid (ALA) and high levels of Stearidonic acid (SDA). It also offers GLA (gamma linolenic acid), an omega-6 essential fatty acid, and oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid, to complement the overall healthy profile of this plant oil.

It has long been accepted that there is low conversion of ALA, the predominant omega-3 in plant sources such as flax, chia and hemp, into EPA, one of the two (along with DHA) omega-3 fatty acids for which most of the research on health benefits has been done. Most experts peg this conversion at as low as 3% to as much as 20% for vegetarians. The proportion of ALA converted to DHA is small.

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