Whey protein proves best for muscle growth in older adults, study finds

The meta-analysis, published in the journalย Nutrientsโ€‹ andย funded by grants from Taipei Medical University-Shuang Ho Hospital, compared whey protein to casein, meat, soy and peanut proteins.

โ€œWhey protein plus resistance training was determined to be the optimal treatment regimen for muscle mass and strength gains as well as restoration of physical mobility with large effects and low to moderate certainty of evidence, despite of its relatively high risk of non-serious side effects,โ€ the Taiwanese researchers wrote.

They added that the findings may help clinicians prescribe the optimal protein supplementation (PS) protocol during resistance training (RT) intervention to ensure optimal treatment outcomes.

Sarcopenia prevalenceโ€‹

As the aging population grows, so do the number of people suffering from age-related sarcopeniaโ€‹, with a prevalence of around 10% in community-dwelling older individuals worldwide. Characterized by a progressive attenuation of muscle mass, the condition is known to subsequently increase the risk of physical difficulties and disabilities in the elderly as well as long-term health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases and arthritis.

Previous research has shown that protein supplementation can improve the efficacy of resistance trainingโ€‹ย in the elderly, yet there is a need to determine the most effective and efficient treatment strategies to restore muscle strength and function. The present study sought to compare the efficacy of different protein supplements combined with resistance training on muscle mass, strength and physical mobility in older adults.

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