March 11

Supplement synergy: Creatine nitrate paired with caffeine may amplify cognitive benefits



โ€œThe co-ingestion of creatine nitrate and caffeine improved cognitive function, particularly in cognitive interference tasks, without altering short-term exercise performance,โ€ the researchers wrote. โ€œFurthermore, no adverse events were reported.”

The study, published in the journal Nutrientsโ€‹, brought together researchers from Jacksonville State University (USA), Islamic Azad University (Iran), Brandon University (Canada) and Qatar University (Doha).

Synergistic supplements for performanceโ€‹

The use of dietary supplements to enhance sporting performance has been a well-established practice in athletes, with both caffeine and creatine among the most extensively independently studied ingredients demonstrating ergogenic properties.

Studies have shown the significantย benefits of caffeine for sporting performanceโ€‹ through improving maximum strength and muscular endurance through interactions with the central nervous system, whilst increasing heart rate and blood pressure, and enhancing cognitive function.

Creatine has been shown to rapidly replenish adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levelsโ€‹ during anaerobic exercise, boosting short-term power output to improve strength, sprinting ability and muscle mass.

Yet, there has been limited investigation into their combined use, with findings remaining contradictory. Thus, the present study sought to investigate the effects of caffeine and creatine nitrate supplementation, both together and independently, on intense intermittent exercise performance and mental focus.

Study detailsโ€‹

The researchers recruited 12 resistance-trained male athletes for the double-blind, randomised crossover trial. The seven-day study involved four treatments: creatine nitrate [CN: (4 g creatine; 1 g nitrate), 5 g/d + 0.675 g/d maltodextrin)], caffeine (CAF: 400 mg/d + 5 g/d maltodextrin), a combination of both CN and CAF (CO: 5 g/d creatine nitrate + 400 mg/d caffeine), and a placebo (PL: 5.4 g/d maltodextrin). Bulk Supplements (Henderson, NV, USA) produced the CAF and maltodextrin, and the CN was sourced from APS Distribution, Inc. (Norcross, GA, USA).


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amino acids, Brain health, Cognition, Cognitive function, Energy, peptides, Proteins, Research, Sports Nutrition, Supplements

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