April 21

Your Weekly Horoscope for April 21 to 27, 2024



Your weekly horoscope for April 21 to 27, 2024, delivers a cosmic blessing: the end of Mercury retrograde in Aries! But first, youโ€™re unearthing old wounds from your romantic past when love-planet Venus in Aries meets with the asteroid Chiron in Aries at the same point in the sky on April 21. You might confront a shadow side of yourself or feel triggered by someone and have the urge to act out an old relationship pattern. But this interaction can inspire growth and healingโ€”itโ€™s in your power to choose differently.

On the same day, the sun in Taurus clashes with transformative Pluto in Aquarius, calling into question your relationship with control. This transit will either leave you feeling empoweredโ€ฆ or more aware of where, when, and to whom you give your power away. A full moon in Scorpio on April 23 illuminates situations and topics that are out of your control, dialing up emotions and requiring you to surrender to the unknown.

Mercury retrograde in Aries ends on April 25, and misunderstandings will begin to clear.

Thankfully, Mercury retrograde in Aries ends on April 25, and misunderstandings will begin to clear. On this day, you might feel more confident taking action on whatever has been holding your focus or attention in recent weeks. Just keep in mind that the post-retrograde shadow period (Mercury โ€œretroshadeโ€) will last until May 13, as Mercury moves over the same part of the sky over which it was just retrograde. Meaning, you might still notice some confusion or crossed wires over the next couple weeks.

To get a closer look at what these astrological shifts have in the cards for you, read on to find your zodiac signโ€™s weekly horoscope for April 21 to 27, 2024 (and be sure to read for your sun sign and your rising sign for the best idea of what to expect).

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full April 2024 monthly horoscope, and take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope to get a broader picture.ย 

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from April 21 to 27, 2024

  • Sunday, April 21: Venus in Aries conjunct Chiron in Aries
  • Sunday, April 21: Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius
  • Tuesday, April 23: Moon enters Scorpio
  • Tuesday, April 23: Full moon in Scorpio
  • Thursday, April 25: Mercury retrograde in Aries ends
  • Thursday, April 25: Moon enters Sagittarius

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for April 21 to 27, 2024


aries horoscope slide

Your weekly horoscope for April 21 is telling you to take that sexy selfie, Aries! Itโ€™s time to face any insecurities head-on and embrace a new level of confidence once Venus and Chiron, both in your sign, link up on April 21. This is a great day to book a tattoo appointment, get a haircut, or experiment with your style. You can experience healing by playing around with your aesthetic.

Youโ€™re feeling a little more emotionally worn down under the full moon in Scorpio on April 23. This is an important day to nurture yourself and prioritize rest. You might find yourself reflecting on the past today, but youโ€™re also able to own your resilience and power, setting you free from anyone or anything that youโ€™ve outgrown.

Some good news: When Mercury retrograde in Aries ends on April 25, your confidence returns! Youโ€™re ready to take action on personal desires and articulate your needs in your closet relationships. In particular, if an ex has re-entered your life, youโ€™re ready to either end things for good or clarify what you want out of this connection.


taurus horoscope

Keep a dream journal on your nightstand this week, Taurus. Youโ€™re more in tune with your intuition and the synchronicities around you when Venus and Chiron, both in Aries, unite in the sky on April 21. You might have a visit with a loved one whoโ€™s passed in a dream, and they could have an important message to share with you.

On the same day, you’re telling the authority figures in your life to kick rocks when the sun, in your sign, clashes with Pluto in Aquarius. Youโ€™re noticing the projections that others place on you and are not willing to let others rule your life. This is a powerful day to lean into your authenticity and share a previously hidden side of yourself.

The full moon in Scorpio on April 23 puts your relationships under the microscope. Are there people in your life who zap your energy instead of leaving you feeling recharged? You could decide to walk away from a connection that has an unhealthy power dynamic or explore trust and vulnerability in a close relationship.


gemini horoscope

Itโ€™s a beautiful day for your friendships, Gemini, once Venus and Chiron, both in Aries, meet on April 21. You might reconnect with an old friend or run into someone out of the blue. Youโ€™re also more keenly aware of who in your life makes you feel accepted, appreciated, and like you belongโ€”and that wonโ€™t be everyone.

Rest is whatโ€™s on the menu when the sun in Taurus bumps into Pluto in Aquarius on the same day. This is not the day to overdo it or add responsibilities to your plate. Instead, setting boundaries may be necessary. Your intuitive mind is also overactive, and loud messages can come through in your dreams or divination work.

The full moon in Scorpio brings a change of routine on April 23. You might wrap up a project or obligation that has required daily dedication. This is also ripe energy for dropping those unsupportive habits (like scrolling social media endlessly before bed).


cancer horoscope

Someone is pulling on your heart strings, Cancer, once Venus in Aries meets with Chiron in Aries on April 21. You may feel called to share some tender PDA moments with someone special. Recognition for a job well done can also hit a soft spot and help build your confidence that you’re on the right path.

Youโ€™re becoming more aware of people and projects that waste your energy when the sun in Taurus clashes into Pluto in Aquarius on the same day. Actions speak louder than words, and youโ€™re seeing through half-baked ideas and promises. Friends might also project some of their own insecurities onto you and reveal a jealous, competitive side.

When Mercury retrograde in Aries ends on April 25, you feel more confident in the direction youโ€™re headed. Youโ€™re more in tune with what feels meaningful and are ready to commit to new goalsโ€”both personal and professionalโ€”that give you a deeper sense of purpose.


leo horoscope

Youโ€™re stepping into the limelight feeling empowered, Leo, when the sun in Taurus rams into Pluto in Aquarius on April 21. You might reveal a new side of yourself to your fans and friends on social media, confront a toxic boss, or even attract some jealous onlookers with news you share. Being authentically yourself will ward off any haters.

The full moon in Scorpio on April 23 brings a change to your personal life. Maybe youโ€™re moving, seeking a new roommate, expanding your family, or addressing a personal issue. Todayโ€™s energy can be liberating but may first feel triggering as you wade through some emotional waters and process the past.

Communication picks back up, and youโ€™re finally responding to all of your unanswered texts and emails once Mercury retrograde in Aries ends on April 25. If youโ€™ve been studying something new, you may also reach a new level of proficiency.


virgo horoscope

Your routine is just that, Virgoโ€”yours. Itโ€™s time to take your personal time back once the sun in Taurus bumps into Pluto in Aquarius on April 21. You deserve time for both play and your responsibilities, and today, you may need to have some boundary-setting conversations to achieve this balance.

Secrets are revealed under the full moon in Scorpio on April 23. You might be the one initiating raw and vulnerable conversations with a trusted someone, or perhaps someone else confides in you. Information you learn today could be eye-opening.

Any recent financial issues may start to ease up once Mercury retrograde in Aries ends on April 25. Delayed payments or promises of a raise are now a thing of the past! If youโ€™ve been paying down debt, youโ€™re making progress and feeling financially secure.


libra horoscope

Youโ€™re experiencing the full spectrum of emotions in your close relationships, Libra, when Venus in Aries and Chiron in Aries meet on April 21. Perhaps youโ€™re ready to profess your undying loveโ€ฆ or maybe youโ€™re confronting unhealed wounds and unhealthy relationship patterns. Itโ€™s possible there is a mix of emotionsโ€”a trigger that can spark healing and build intimacy long-term.

Your professional world is changing on April 23 under the full moon in Scorpio. You might accept a promotion or raise, or make a big investment in your own future. You could also decide to change how you invest your energy or personal resources.

Time to leave your exes in the past once Mercury retrograde in Aries ends on April 25. Old lovers, friends, and even co-workers might have made a recent cameo, inviting you to reflect on whether theyโ€™re still worthy of your precious time and energy. But now, you feel more confident about any decisions you want to make relating to these folks.


scorpio horoscope

Youโ€™re not scared of a little tension and drama, Scorpio, especially when the sun in Taurus squares off with Pluto in Aquarius on April 21. Your closest relationships and whatโ€™s been left unsaid are under the spotlight. This energy asks you to address the elephant in the room and perhaps to acknowledge your own shadow side and unhealthy relationship patterns from the past. Today, you can choose growth.

The full moon, in your sign, leaves you feeling more tender and emotional on April 23. Major changes are afoot, from the superficialโ€”maybe youโ€™re ready to switch up your appearanceโ€”to things deep within your bones. This is also the time to take back your power and advocate for your needs within your closest relationships.

Youโ€™re finding more flow and ease in your day-to-day life once Mercury retrograde in Aries ends on April 25. If youโ€™ve been juggling too much, some support or solutions may arrive. The leftover sting of any petty arguments or disagreements also begins to clear, and youโ€™re ready to leave the past in the past.


sagittarius horoscope

Youโ€™re torn between work and play, Sagittarius, when the sun in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius on April 21. Youโ€™re going to have to create some structure in your daily life and commit to it, and this may mean making personal sacrifices to juggle all of your responsibilities. Conversations can also feel heavier today, as you dare to address thoughts and feelings that have been keeping you up at night.

The full moon in Scorpio on April 23 asks you to kick a bad habit and upgrade your wellness plan. A glass of water first thing in the morning or an evening walk post-dinner can work wonders on your mental and physical health. Your dreams could also be coded with important symbolismโ€ฆ so pay attention!

If you feel like the joy has been sucked out of you or youโ€™ve lost touch with your creative side, that begins to subside as Mercury retrograde in Aries ends on April 25. Relationship woes also take a turn: Are you ready to take the next step with someone, or do you need to call out their behavior and demand more for yourself?


capricorn horoscope

Others have their eyes on you, Capricorn, and itโ€™s more envious than endearing energy when the sun in Taurus bumps into Pluto in Aquarius on April 21. You may feel reluctant about sharing your gifts and talents for fear that others will judge youโ€”but todayโ€™s energy encourages you to push through that fear.

Look out for some drama within your friendship circle during the full moon in Scorpio on April 23. You might feel ready to move on from a friendship that has run its course or find that a new connection is forming. At the same time, this energy can also be celebratory; perhaps youโ€™ve made progress on your latest goal or project.

Youโ€™ve been mulling over what home means to you, and you could land on a definition once Mercury retrograde in Aries ends on April 25. Issues with family members or lovers may begin to clear up, too. If youโ€™ve been considering moving or changing up your living space in a big way, youโ€™re almost ready to make a big decision.


aquarius horoscope

The past might feel a little extra triggering, Aquarius, when the sun in Taurus rams into Pluto, in your sign, on April 21. It can feel like youโ€™re so close to the finish line but have one last hurdle to surmount. The key to moving through any triggers today is to understand that control is an illusionโ€ฆ and surrender. Be curious about old wounds or patterns that are resurfacing rather than assigning blame for their reemergence.

You could make a major life decision under the full moon in Scorpio on April 23. Maybe youโ€™re ready to quit a job or a relationship; youโ€™re becoming more aware of how precious your time and energy is. However your personal landscape is shifting, it can feel like youโ€™re temporarily uprooted. Your instincts are strongโ€”donโ€™t doubt them.

Youโ€™re ready to have important conversations that youโ€™ve been putting off once Mercury retrograde in Aries ends on April 25. Your mind is clear, and youโ€™re able to articulate your feelings with precision and confidence.


pisces horoscope

Your mind feels overactive, Pisces, when the sun in Taurus bumps into Pluto in Aquarius on April 21. Youโ€™re ready to address feelings that youโ€™ve kept private or buried. Conversations might feel intense but can ultimately bring a wave of relief once you put everything out in the open.

The full moon in Scorpio on April 23 puts your expertise under the spotlight. You could be gaining attention by publishing some of your work or speaking at an important meeting or conference. Work-related discussions reach a turning point as youโ€™re integrating new information and deciding which direction youโ€™d like to head next.

Youโ€™re getting back on track with your budget once Mercury retrograde in Aries ends on April 25. Perhaps youโ€™re catching up on bills or putting financial goals into place. If packages or paychecks have been lost in the mail, they may also finally show up.


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